Information for Workers
Information for workers
We have collated a range of information and resources from various organisations here for you to access. Many of the links will take you to an external website where you can access what you are looking for. is another great source of elder abuse information. To navigate, click a topic below or ‘back to the top’ to return to this menu.
Identifying and responding to elder abuse
The Queensland Government has a good webpage dedicated to providing guidance to health professionals who may identify elder abuse. View it here:
Information for Health Professionals (elder abuse)
(Queensland Government)
The Elder Abuse Prevention Unit has developed a tool to assist workers to identify secondary abuse types when presented with an elder abuse situation. The tool provides information about abusive behaviours that may be associated with an increased likelihood of a co-occurring abuse type(s).
Commonly Co-Occurring Abuse Types - Elder Abuse
(Elder Abuse Prevention Unit, UnitingCare)
The Elder Abuse Prevention Unit, through the Keeping Seniors Safe in Community Project (January 2023- September 2024), created a co-designed resource for service providers working with First Nations peoples experiencing elder abuse in the Far-Northwestern region of Queensland. Members of the community and service providers were involved in the co-design process.
Service Providers Toolkit
(Elder Abuse Prevention Unit, UnitingCare)
Working with an Attorney
Staff who work alongside an older person where there is an attorney/ a genuine concern for the person’s decision-making ability may find these series of flowcharts helpful. The 2nd flowchart (p.4) outlines the basic steps of interpreting an Enduring Power of Attorney, to ensure it is being used appropriately for e.g. how are decisions to be made and for what particular matters? The 3rd flowchart (p.4) outlines how to respond to an attorney(s) actions when they are not consistent with the duties and responsibilities of their role.
Making and Using an Enduring Power of Attorney – Intake Form
(ADA Australia)
Serious Incident Response Scheme (aged care)
Aged care staff can refer to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website to find out more about the Serious Incident Response Scheme and requirements for reporting/ managing incidents within the context of aged care. You might also find the SIRS Decision Support Tool useful to help determine whether an incident is considered Priority 1 or 2.
Serious Incident Response Scheme
(Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission)
SIRS Decision Support Tool
(Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission)
Elder abuse data and statistics
The Elder Abuse Prevention Unit produces exhaustive statistics on elder abuse occurring within QLD within its annual Year in Review report. Alternatively, in 2021 the Australian Institute of Family Studies conducted a national prevalence study of elder abuse occurring across Australia.
Read our Elder Abuse Statistics in Queensland: Year in Review reports
(UnitingCare Elder Abuse Prevention Unit)
National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study: Final Report
(Australian Institute of Family Studies)