Elder abuse in aged care
Abuse concerns in aged care
Unfortunately, elder abuse can also happen within aged care settings – whether in a person’s home (community-based) or within a residential aged care facility. The matter could relate to quality of care/neglect, restricting a person’s freedom or another safety concern.
The Elder Abuse Helpline can talk to you about:
Concerns about an individual aged care worker.
Concerns about an aged care service more broadly .
Concerns about abuse from another resident living in a residential care facility.
An older person has been blocked from having visitors within a residential aged care facility.
Anything else that is causing harm to an older person.
The QLD Elder Abuse Helpline can provide information about older people’s aged care rights and connect you with services appropriate to your situation.
Your right to quality aged care
Government-funded aged care services (most services) must meet the Aged Care Quality Standards. Your right to quality aged care is also set out in the Charter of Aged Care Rights.

Reportable incidents within residential aged care
The Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) is a system for reducing incidents of abuse and neglect within residential aged care. It requires that certain incidents be reported to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and in some instances, the police. Under the scheme, reportable incidents must be appropriately managed and reasonable action(s) must be taken to prevent reoccurrence. Learn more about the Serious Incident Response Scheme here.
Reportable incidents within residential aged care
Advocacy and mediation
Advocacy and mediation is something that anyone can do! If you want to start by developing your own self-advocacy skills, we recommend ADA Australia’s resources about becoming your own best advocate!
If you feel that you may be better supported and heard with the help of an advocate, you can also call OPAN on 1800 700 600.

I think someone needs support, what do I do?
● If there is immediate risk, contact the police 000.
● Contact the Elder Abuse Helpline on 1300 651 192 or from interstate on 07 3867 2525.
● You can read more about calling the QLD Elder Abuse Helpline here.