Contact Us
How can we help you today?
Anyone can call the Queensland Elder Abuse Helpline and we invite you to do so. Please call us on 1300 651 192 (Queensland only) or (07) 3867 2525 (from outside QLD) between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can fill in the online contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can. For a list of helplines in other states that might assist you in your area, click here.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call the police on Triple Zero (000).
If you are in crisis, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.
TTY (Hearing Impaired Service)
If you are deaf, or have a hearing impairment or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service:
TTY users phone 133 677, then ask for 1300 651 192 (Queensland only) or (07) 3867 2525 (rest of Australia).
Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727, then ask for 1300 651 192 (Queensland only) or (07) 3867 2525 (rest of Australia).
Internet relay users connect to the NRS at and ask for 1300 651 192 (Queensland only) or (07) 3867 2525 (rest of Australia).
Also see our Information Section for Auslan materials.
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National):
If you are a non-English speaker, contact us through the government’s free Translating and Interpreting Service:
Phone 131 450 and tell the TIS National operator which language you need. Once the operator finds an available interpreter, tell the operator you wish to call the Elder Abuse Helpline / Elder Abuse Prevention Unit on 1300 651 192 (Queensland only) or (07) 3867 2525 (rest of Australia).
Also see our Information Section for translated materials.